Will I be able to decide which roles I want to be put forward for?

Absolutely. Assuming we agree with you about your suitability for a particular role, it is then up to you to decide if we put your details forward. We would only put you forward for a role if we felt that you fully understood the job description, were actually interested in the position and importantly if we felt that you could actually do the job!

Why RCR instead of any other recruitment company?

We only recruit events and / or communications professionals and we are all ex-events or ex-comms people ourselves, so we understand both the industry and also your needs. We strive to establish a strong working relationship both with Client and Candidate and make it our business to understand your experience, skills, needs and working requirements. With a friendly and personal approach we offer you a professional and deserved service.

Can you guarantee to find me a job?

There are no guarantees, however if you are actively seeking a new role, then we will put you in front of any potential employers who are looking for someone with your background and skills.

We will work hard to help you find the correct role, but you need to help yourself as well by frequently reviewing our Vacancies to see if any jobs are of interest to you.

Is there a joining fee?

NO. We never charge our candidates any fee at all.